Kedron Brook Floodway Dog Park
Kedron Brook Bikeway, Brisbane QLD 4030, Australia

About Kedron Brook Floodway Dog Park
Make no bones about it, this has to be the most carefree dog off-leash area in Brisbane - a wide unfenced green tract of land that follows Kedron Brook for several kilometres from Gordon Park to Lutwyche Road. Dogs can romp carefree and dive in to the creek (when it is flowing) to cool off. There's poop bags and bins available at each end and at a halfway point. Keep an eye out for cyclists at the creek crossings, and be aware of your dog especially at those points! When it rains, beware the mud puddles! If your pooch likes getting dirty, and you're not a fan of a muddy-pup, it might be best to avoid this park immediately after the rain.