Volunteer and full-time worker Matt Randall does Saturday afternoons at Greyhound Rescue's (GR) kennels near Camden.
Volunteer responsibilities include cleaning the kennels, feeding, walking and playing with the hounds. The morning shift is 8-11am while the afternoons are 2-5pm, seven days a week.
Matt began volunteering at GR in 2015, having got interested after seeing the Four Corners TV program about greyhound welfare - www.abc.net.au/4corners/making-a-killing/6127124
“I chose to volunteer with Greyhound Rescue because unlike some other rescue groups all greyhounds are accepted, regardless of their age or condition. I also like the very thorough adoption process that matches the right dog to the right people," he said.
"As well as the kennel volunteering, I also help at several 'meet the public' events for the dogs during the year and sit on the GR management committee."
Matt said he highly recommends volunteering, as well as adopting greyhounds and has three of his own, as well as sometimes being a greyhound foster carer.
"Do it!! It is great fun and very rewarding. It takes a lot of time and commitment but you get to spend time with the most beautiful dogs on the planet. You also get to meet a great bunch of people," he said.
Matt said people interested in finding out more about what GR does, can read about their work here - www.facebook.com/pg/GreyhoundRescueNSW orwww.greyhoundrescue.com.au
Regina Matolcsy is one of many volunteers who travels quite a distance to help out at GR’s kennels.
“My favourite part is showing the greyhounds there lots of love and affection. Greyhound Rescue is always in great need of more foster carers, so more of these dogs can be saved,” said Regina.

She said more kennel volunteers are also now needed for the Tuesday PM shift, as well as Wednesday and Thursday AM and PM shifts.
Regine adopted greyhound Luna from GR in March 2018.
“I’ve always been attracted to the gracious build and the gentle, loving nature of greyhounds and often spoke to greyhound owners in the street,” she said.
Regine said when Luna arrived she had never been inside a house. Everything was alien to her, including how to negotiate stairs and slippery floors.

“Luna learned well and now happily runs up and down the stairs. She’s very obedient and knows what is out of bounds. She’s totally adapted to our life style and just wants to please us,” she said.
Regine said greyhounds are very placid, sensitive dogs which only need one 20 minute walk daily and are happy to sleep the rest of the day,
"Each greyhound has its own particular personality. They’re perfect for families or anyone who needs a furry friend," she said.
People who’d like to adopt a greyhound, or become foster carers, can complete an application form.
GR’s greyhounds are de-sexed, vaccinated, heartworm tested, for only $385 each plus a helpful starter pack - greyhoundrescue.com.au/category/dogs-available/
GR also uses fostering as a way to introduce hounds to a home environment and reduce the time they must spend in kennels, before they are placed in their permanent home.
There are many different reasons people choose to foster: some want to help greyhounds escape kennel life, while some have lost a treasured pet and don’t yet feel able to replace it.
- GR pays the full cost of necessary vet bills while a dog is in foster, while carers cover food, shelter and routine sundries.
- Greyhound Rescue has a no kill policy and is not affiliated with the racing industry.
- GR runs almost entirely with volunteer support and bankrolls itself from donations, which are tax deductible, and fundraising -www.facebook.com/pg/GreyhoundR... orwww.greyhoundrescue.com.au